来自 PostgreSQL wiki
此查询使用规划器的估计值,查找整个数据库中其表中唯一值不超过 1 个的列。
select nspname, relname, attname, typname,
(stanullfrac*100)::int as null_percent,
case when stadistinct >= 0 then stadistinct else abs(stadistinct)*reltuples end as "distinct",
case 1 when stakind1 then stavalues1 when stakind2 then stavalues2 end as "values"
from pg_class c
join pg_namespace ns on (ns.oid=relnamespace)
join pg_attribute on (c.oid=attrelid)
join pg_type t on (t.oid=atttypid)
join pg_statistic on (c.oid=starelid and staattnum=attnum)
where nspname not like E'pg\\_%' and nspname != 'information_schema'
and relkind='r' and not attisdropped and attstattarget != 0
and reltuples >= 100 -- ignore tables with fewer than 100 rows
and stadistinct between 0 and 1 -- 0 to 1 distinct values
order by nspname, relname, attname
另请参阅:pg_statistic 目录文档